Bloomberg Asks Feds to Repay 9/11 Trial Costs
Policy + Politics

Bloomberg Asks Feds to Repay 9/11 Trial Costs

Both New York and federal government officials seem to be in agreement that the tab

New York City’s security expenses for trying Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and other Sept. 11 attack suspects are being estimated at about $200 million a year, which may end up trickling back to the federal government, according to a New York Times story.  In a two-page letter, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg asked White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Peter R. Orszag for federal reimbursement for the costs.  The vast majority of the projected costs, which are in total about $216 million for the first year and $206 million in each following year, are directed towards increased police force security. 

It appears the White House is willing to comply with the request.  “We recognize the federal government’s responsibility in this matter, and we will meet them,” an OMB spokesman said. 

Sen. Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., is going so far as to say the Obama administration should create a separate 2011 fiscal budget line for these costs.