5 Crazy Stories of Human Behavior
Life + Money

5 Crazy Stories of Human Behavior

Being in the news business isn’t always about depressing stories of corruption, terrorism, and world-ending asteroids or pollution. On a good day, even when the markets tank and unemployment rises, we have fun publishing stories that expose some of the more amusing human foibles.

You may not believe the following stories, which are culled from our news partner, Reuters, but trust us, they are true and they will give you something to talk about at the water cooler.  Here are a few headlines that got us talking.

  • Idaho woman accused of chewing up the back seat of a police car.  After a drunk woman was accused of dousing a couple with pepper spray, she was arrested.  Maybe she was hungry, but gnawing through the upholstery and foam of the back seat of the patrol car didn’t exactly get her a lighter sentence.
  • Connecticut man drives a stolen car to a meeting with cops. It was a sting. The cops suspected him of stealing a car and using it to rob a bank, so they set up a phony parole meeting and sure enough, the not-so-bright perp fell for plan.
  • Washington state teen calls police to break up his own party.  The guest list was underage; the alcohol and drugs were over the top.  When the party got out of control and some of the kids destroyed a neighbor’s fence, the 16-year-old host decided to call the police. So much for Risky Business.
  • Brooklyn man ate napkins to conceal insider trading.  He was found guilty anyway. The 41-year old would pass on stock tips to an accomplice before eating the evidence.  The 3-man scheme netted $5.6 million over 5 years.
  • Armed with banana, man robs Philadelphia store, slips away on bike.  What was hiding under that yellow sleeved piece of fruit, anyway? He slipped the banana into his pocket, pretending it was a gun and rode off into the sunset on his bike, which was probably stolen, too.

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