Veterans Day by the Numbers

Nov 11 2015

On Wednesday we will observe Veterans Day.  We all need to pause to honor and celebrate the men and women who stand in harm's way so we at home can live full and safe lives. 

There appears there will not be a day in our lifetimes when American men and women will not be out there defending us.  We need to thank these men and women.

Every day dozens of men and women serving in the Middle East return to the U.S.  Today there are 3.8 million veterans who have a service-related disability.  These veterans need our help. 

7.4 million veterans 18-64 are in the labor force today.  Thousands more need jobs.

Veterans Day originated as "Armistice Day" on Nov. 11, 1919, the first anniversary of the end of World War I. Congress passed a resolution in 1926 for an annual observance, and Nov. 11 became a national holiday beginning in 1938.

President Eisenhower signed legislation in 1954 to change the name to Veterans Day as a way to honor those who served in all American wars.

Here are some important facts about America's service men and women:

19.3 million: The number of military veterans in the U.S.  Nearly 15 million of them voted in the last presidential election. 

1.6 million: The number of female veterans.

9.2 million: The number of veterans 65 and older. At the other end of the age spectrum, 1.7 million were younger than 35.

7 million: Number of Vietnam-era veterans.

5.5 million served during the Gulf Wars;

2.8 million in the Korean War.

1.1 million in World War II; and

The annual median income of male veterans is $37,307.  Compare that to what you make.

We owe these good people a lot.