7 Rules for Finding a Job in Today’s Market

Jun 1 2016

Hiring has finally picked back up and it’s now a job-seekers market out there. However, the process of finding a job has changed. Here are seven things job seekers need to know about getting a job in today’s market, courtesy of a new study from CareerBuilder.

1. Expect to spend months looking. The average process took about two months, from beginning the search to accepting an offer.

Related: Good News on Jobs for the Class of 2016

2. ‘No’ may really mean ‘not right now.’ More than half of employers re-engage with past candidates who didn’t get a job offer in the first go-round. Sign up for automatic alerts when new jobs are posted and reach out again if an opportunity comes up that could be a good fit.

3. Your resume is only the beginning. Companies also want to see a cover letter, a professional portfolio (where applicable), recommendations and social media links. More than half of companies said that a resume doesn’t give enough information about an applicant.

4. Play up your soft skills. More than six in 10 employers said that one of their top questions about candidates is, “What are their soft skills?” Examples include having a good attitude and getting along with a wide variety of people.

5. Finding a job is a serious time commitment. The average job seekers spends more than 11 hours a week looking for a new gig.

6. Look beyond your major. More than a third of workers aren’t in a career related to their degree. Employers care less about your major and more about relevant skills and whether you’d be able to learn the job, according to CareerBuilder.

7. Always negotiate. Two-thirds of employers say they’ll offer higher starting salaries this year.