Karen Hube
Karen Hube is a freelance writer covering taxes, investing and personal finance. In addition to her work for The Fiscal Times, she writes a tax column for The Washington Post and contributes to Barron’s. She began her career as a beat reporter at The Pottsville Republican in Pennsylvania, moved to personal finance reporting at Money magazine, and became a staff writer at The Wall Street Journal. Since 2000, she’s written for a variety of newspapers, magazines and websites.
Recent Stories By Karen Hube:
5 Tips for Last-Minute Charitable Gift-GivingDecember 23, 2011
This holiday season, Americans are spending $465 billion – a staggering amount that is almost equivalent to the gross domestic product of Pakistan – and a good portion of that on gifts. Sunday,...
12 Ways You Can Whittle Down Your 2011 Tax BillDecember 9, 2011
Between holiday shopping, parties, concerts and gift wrapping, make room for one more task: whittling down your 2011 tax bill. A number of smart moves can save a bundle in taxes, but you’ll have...
Tax, Lies and Red Tape: A Muddle of ReformsNovember 25, 2011
It’s hard enough wading through the tax code to prepare your personal tax returns. But parsing the blizzard of proposals for tax hikes, tax cuts and tax reform offered by President Obama, lawmakers...
Tax Credits Fueling Green Energy Could VanishNovember 11, 2011
Anyone can decide at any time to install a solar power system or energy efficient windows and appliances -- or otherwise improve the energy efficiency of their homes or businesses. But the...
GOP Tax Plans: Who Wins, Who LosesOctober 28, 2011
When Texas Gov. Rick Perry unveiled his tax plan on Tuesday, there was some hope that he would deliver viable tax reform and distinguish himself from his Republican presidential rivals. No dice....
Smart Ways to Transfer Assets Before Taxes SpikeOctober 14, 2011
It’s easy to gripe about the rich manipulating the rules to lower their tax rates, but sometimes it's better to simply borrow a few pages from their playbook. Finagling a low tax rate on income – as...
Retirement: Tax Breaks Worried Investors IgnoreSeptember 30, 2011
If you were eligible for a big tax break that would keep more money in your pocket, would you pass it up? Of course not. But many retirement investors are essentially doing that: They are...
Obama Fires Up the Debate Over Who Is WealthySeptember 16, 2011
In his Sept. 8 speech to Congress, President Obama talked about the need to “cut tax loopholes for millionaires and billionaires” as a way to pay for his proposed jobs bill. For emphasis, he cited...
Corporate Taxes: Wake up, Small Business!August 5, 2011
Many executives of big public companies have shared their ideas about corporate tax reform in hearings before policy makers lately. Just last week, the CEOs of Wal-Mart, Kimberly Clark, CVS and PMC-...
Red Flags: IRS Taking a Tougher Look at Tax DeductionsJuly 22, 2011
The Internal Revenue Service added a couple of notches to its enforcement belt in the past week. First came the disclosure that international financial services giant Credit Suisse is under federal...
Boehner: No Large-Scale Deficit Reduction PlanJuly 10, 2011
Debt Ceiling: Complete Coverage House Speaker John A. Boehner abandoned efforts Saturday night to reach a comprehensive debt-reduction deal worth more than $4 trillion in savings, telling...
The Reimbursement Most Taxpayers MissJuly 8, 2011
Before George McCutchen, a sales associate at commercial real-estate firm Grubb & Ellis, headed off for a week’s vacation at an ocean-front condo in Litchfield Beach, S.C., he made a key vacation...