Biden Signs Temporary Spending Bill to Avert Midnight Shutdown

Biden Signs Temporary Spending Bill to Avert Midnight Shutdown

Biden at the APEC summit in San Francisco
By Yuval Rosenberg and Michael Rainey
Friday, November 17, 2023

Biden Signs Spending Bill to Avert Midnight Shutdown

Happy Friday! We’ve spent the day scouring the interwebs and other sources for important fiscal news. We can tell you, for example, that President Joe Biden late last night signed into law H.R. 6363, continuing resolution passed by the House and Senate on a bipartisan basis to avert a shutdown at midnight tonight by extending federal funding through January 19 for some parts of the government and through February 2 for other parts. Biden reportedly signed the bill at the Legion of Honor Museum, where he held a dinner for members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum.

Biden’s signature on the temporary spending bill pushes off additional fights over the federal budget, but only briefly — and the dual deadlines set by House Republicans create the risk of two partial government shutdowns as the House and Senate are likely to clash over differing visions for federal spending. But that confrontation may have to wait until after lawmakers deal with another fight they have set up, namely the one over the Biden administration’s $106 billion supplemental budget request, including aid to Israel and Ukraine as well as border security funding. Congress is expected to turn its attention to those issues when lawmakers return from their Thanksgiving recess.

For now, since it’s Friday night, we might suggest you do what members of the House and Senate already did earlier this week: Head home, prepare for the upcoming holiday and gear up for the final weeks of 2023 and what promises to be a dauntingly wild new year.

Enjoy the weekend! We’ll be back in your inbox on Monday!

Quote of the Week

“It is so much work that goes into preparing these things — really weeks of prep when they’re threatening it — and then most of it is just wasted work that needs to be thrown out anyway.”

Jennifer Pahlka, deputy chief technology officer under the Obama administration, quoted in The Washington Post in an article looking at how disruptive and problematic the threat of government shutdowns can be even as some federal workers have grown numb to what the article says “is widely described as the stupidity of the nation’s budget process.”

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