Got Ebola Phobia? 11 New Germ-fighting Products

Short of spraying ourselves with Purell every 5 minutes, there are other ways to ward off germs--including the deadly Ebola virus.

Oct 1 2014

With the first case of Ebola diagnosed in Texas earlier this week, there’s a new reason to protect yourself from germs and other infections like the enterovirus.  

Don’t worry too much, though. Your chances of getting Ebola are miniscule compared with the flu and the new enterovirus, which affects children disproportionately.

“Ebola can be scary,” said CDC Director Tom Frieden in a press release. “While it’s not impossible that there could be additional cases associated with this patient in the coming weeks, I have no doubt that we will contain this.”

SLIDESHOW: 11 Items to Protect From Ebola and Other Diseases

Whether you use public transportation, need to pump your own gas or end up in a crowded movie theater, you’ll run the risk of catching something. You’re also perpetually in danger of getting sick at the office, as germs are often found on keyboards and at coffee stations as The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday. 

You can prevent being contaminated by taking some the simple precaution of washing your hands regularly.  One of my colleagues who gets around town by taxi recently told me that she rarely gets a cold since taxis take credit cards.  “I rarely get sick since I don’t handle money anymore,” she said.

Short of spraying ourselves with Purell every 5 minutes, there are other ways to ward off germs. That’s why The Fiscal Times shopped around to find these11 items that could help you avoid getting sick this winter.

Click here to see the 11 items to protect from Ebola and other diseases

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