Rob Garver served as a national correspondent for The Fiscal Times, based in Washington, D.C., from 2013 to 2017. A longtime reporter on the intersection of the federal government and the private sector, he previously reported on the FDA’s botched oversight of drug trials for ProPublica and worked as senior researcher for Bob Woodward during the writing of Woodward’s New York Times bestselling book, The Price of Politics. Garver holds a master’s degree in public policy from Georgetown University and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Vermont.
Recent Stories By Rob Garver:
The Walls Are Closing In as Allies Abandon TrumpAugust 16, 2017
Things have looked grim for Donald Trump’s future more than once in his relatively brief career as a politician. But on Wednesday, the cracks in the edifice of his public standing were really...
When Politicians Start Talking ‘Tax Reform,’ Check Your WalletAugust 16, 2017
If Congress ever actually gets around to pursuing tax reform -- a big “if” given the current lay of the land in Washington -- voters should expect to hear lots of talk about the benefits that would...
Obamacare Premiums and Budget Deficits Will Soar If Trump Ends Insurer SubsidiesAugust 15, 2017
If the Trump administration follows through on its threat to stop paying insurance companies a controversial set of subsidies established by the Affordable Care Act, the government will lose money...
What Happened to Trump’s Infrastructure Boom? Spending Is Actually FallingAugust 15, 2017
Promises of huge increases in federal infrastructure spending were a regular feature of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, and his inaugural address evoked images of gleaming new airports, modern...
One More Try? Why Obamacare Repeal Is on the Horizon AgainAugust 14, 2017
The effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, which many assumed was dead or at least in a state of suspended animation for the foreseeable future, may be showing some stirring of life...
White House Advisers Insist That Trump Opposes NazisAugust 13, 2017
Nazi rallies are like the big, fat hanging curveball of American politics -- the sort of pitch any minimally competent public figure can put in the cheap seats without even thinking about it. But...
Will GOP Anger With Trump Over Charlottesville Be Different This Time?August 13, 2017
After President Trump made brief remarks on Saturday related to the violent white nationalist protest in Virginia, the country saw something that it hadn’t seen in a while: a full-blown stampede of...
What Game Theory Tells Us About Trump’s ‘Madman’ Approach to North KoreaAugust 11, 2017
In the past 72 hours, President Trump has threatened North Korea with a nuclear attack, suggested that threat may not have been “tough enough” and then, on Friday morning, boasted that the U.S....
Trump Takes on a Powerful Leader, but This Time It’s on Capitol HillAugust 11, 2017
President Trump was obviously angry. The target of his ire was a man who has been aggravating him for a long time by ignoring his demands, refusing to work through the president’s chosen...
Taxpayers Will Pay the Price for Uncertainty Over Obamacare in 2018August 10, 2017
The health insurance industry remains in the throes of a largely unnecessary crisis of confidence, according to an analysis released by the Kaiser Family Foundation on Thursday. With the open...
Heads Up: Health Care Is Still in TroubleAugust 9, 2017
While half the country is looking west to see what develops from the latest escalation of the president’s war of words (for the moment) with North Korea, and the other half is looking east, wondering...
The Media Has to Stop Provoking Trump’s Worst InstinctsAugust 9, 2017
For a man constantly boasting about his extraordinary negotiating prowess, President Trump made a pretty obvious rookie mistake on Tuesday, with his apocalyptic-sounding promise to deliver “fire and...