TFT Tax Season Countdown
  • Why Your Tax Filing Deadline Is Later This Year

    If you’re prone to putting off your taxes to the last minute, this is a good year. Most Americans will get three more days to file their returns in April, and residents in two New England states will...

  • The Dangers of Having Unpaid Tax Bills

    By Liz Weston, Reuters

    Affluent clients facing a big tax bill often have one of two reactions, according to CPA and financial planner Jerry Love: They either try to avoid filing or they want to negotiate a deal. Neither is...

  • 5 Tips for Lowering Your 2015 Taxes

    By Sterling Raskie, AdviceIQ

    With 2014 well over and the spring of 2015 looming, you may find yourself gathering all of last year’s tax information and getting ready to file your income taxes. Maybe you expect a refund or maybe...

  • 12 Ways to Be Financially Fit in 2015

    By Rebecca Reisner, LearnVest

    Ah, New Year’s—that time when we reminisce about the days of auld lang syne and vow to do better over the next 365 days. Money, too, is never far from our minds during this season of contemplation.

  • 4 ‘Don’t Forget’ Financial Musts Before Year End

    When it comes to your finances, don’t wait until the New Year to make resolutions. Now is the time.

  • The Best Way to Handle Your Tax Refund

    By Allison Linn, CNBC

    When it comes to tax refunds, many Americans say they plan to do something virtuous with the money they get back from Uncle Sam, like pay down debt or put it in the rainy day fund. We're not...

  • 		<p>Capital loss rules dictate that if you make a legitimate loan to someone with an official note, even if it’s your brother-in-law, you can write the money off if you don’t get paid back, up to $3,000 a year with a maximum of $10,000 total. Caveat: “If

    3 Steps to Hiring the Right Tax Pro

    Even with the advent of tax software and the relative ease of e-filing, most of us still prefer to get professional help when it comes to settling up with Uncle Sam. An estimated 60 percent of tax...

  • Rethinking Open Classes on Today’s Campuses

    By Rachelle DeJong, Minding the Campus

    Clayton Christensen's 1997 book, The Innovator's Dilemma , posed the question, why do good companies fail? In industries ranging from computers to telephones to cameras to stock markets, the...

  • How to Give Your Money Away and Make Out Like a Bandit

    By Erik Sherman, The Fiscal Times

    Donors need to make sure that they’re maximizing their charitable deductions, and ensure that a charity makes the best possible use of their money. Here’s how to stretch your donor dollars as much as...

  • Higher Tax Burden May Follow Same-Sex Marriage

    By Reuters

    If the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down a federal law defining marriage as between a man and woman, the newfound rights for gay married couples may bear something not so welcome - a bigger tax burden.