11 Shockingly Expensive Foods
Policy + Politics

11 Shockingly Expensive Foods

Crescent Harbor Ranch

Whether you do it for the love of food or the love of someone, Valentine’s Day may be the perfect opportunity to splurge on an expensive meal. While you could ante up for some expensive caviar, champagne or foie gras, we suggest kicking it up a notch and buying some truly rare and, in some cases, exotic foods.

SLIDESHOW: The World’s Most Expensive Foods

Here is a selection of outrageously high-priced ingredients that could go into preparing one of the most expensive, and hopefully memorable, meals:

For your main dish, you can pair the $2,500 Ayam Cemani chicken, originally from Indonesia, with a bed of hop shoots, an asparagus-like vegetable, which retails for $600 a pound.

If you still have room for dessert, either go with the $7,500 Japanese Yubari melon or the To’ak Ecuadorian chocolate, which you can have for $260 an ounce.

Click here to see the World’s Most Expensive Foods

Hopefully, your date will be ecstatic with both you and the meal, but don’t be surprised if you get a phone call from your credit card company on your way to work Monday.

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