Memo to America: Start Tightening Your Belt

Memo to America: Start Tightening Your Belt

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Lawmakers left Washington for the weekend perhaps further than ever from a fiscal cliff compromise, forcing analysts and insiders to cast serious doubts that a deal will be reached before the end of the year.

"It's time to contemplate a plunge off the cliff," Potomac Research Group analyst Greg Valliere wrote in a research note on Friday.  -   Read more at Reuters 

DR.DOOM (UNSURPRISINGLY) AGREE  Economist Nouriel Roubini, famously nicknamed "Dr.Doom" for correctly predicting the 2008 financial crisis, told Bloomberg TV on Friday, that it's "highly likely" that the country will go plunging over the fiscal cliff.

Roubini added that even if Washington reaches an agreement before year's end, the U.S. economy will still face a roughly 1.4 percent headwind on gross domestic product relating to fiscal and tax policy surrounding the fiscal cliff."  -  Read more at The Wall Street Journal 

ANGRY FED WORKERS WANT OUT OF FISCAL FIGHT  Government workers are increasingly dissatisfied with their jobs, and say they are sick of being flung into the center of the fiscal fight in Washington.

According to a new survey from the American Federation of Government Employees, overall employee satisfaction across government agencies fell to 60.8 percent, the lowest level in nearly a decade.

“This survey shows what happens when you make federal workers the singular target of deficit reduction schemes,” AFGE President J. David Cox said in a statement.  -  Read more at The Washington Post 

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Brianna Ehley is the former Washington Correspondent for The Fiscal Times. She is currently a reporter on Politico's health care team in Washington, D.C.